JTL\Catalog\Product\Artikel Object
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    [cName] => 4-Point Mid Lower Brace BMW 5-Series F10/F18 10+ | Ultra Racing
    [cSeo] => 4-Point-Mid-Lower-Brace-BMW-5-Series-F10-F18-10-Ultra-Racing
    [cBeschreibung] => 

4-Point Mid Lower Brace for BMW 5-Series F10/F18 10+

High-strength strut for stiffening the car body and the suspension

Ultra Racing suspension and vehicel body struts to improve drive performance and safety

4-Point Mid Lower Brace

Vehicle manufacturer: BMW
Model: 5-Series F10/F18 10+

Are dome struts / wishbone struts subject to registration? We contacted Tune it Safe on this subject and received the following information:

If struts and/or stabilisers are screwed to standard fixing points, they are not subject to registration. But this does not mean that all police officers know this. Our recommendation: In order not to let such discussions arise, have them registered. 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[cLieferdauer] => 2-3 days [cHinweistext] => [cHinweistextShop] => ) ) [oVersandartStaffel_arr] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [kVersandartStaffel] => 588 [kVersandart] => 61 [fBis] => 99999 [fPreis] => 27.5 ) ) [cSendConfirmationMail] => Y [cIgnoreShippingProposal] => N [nMinLiefertage] => 1 [nMaxLiefertage] => 3 [eSteuer] => brutto [country] => [cPriceLocalized] => [shippingSurcharges] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object ( [items:protected] => Array ( ) [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => ) [data:JTL\Checkout\Versandart:private] => Array ( ) ) [cCachedCountryCode] => GB [fLieferantenlagerbestand] => 0 [fLieferzeit] => 60 [cEstimatedDelivery] => 61 - 63 Workdays [kVPEEinheit] => 0 [fMwSt] => 20.00 [fArtikelgewicht] => 0 [nSort] => 0 [dErstellt] => 2017-01-01 [dErstellt_de] => 01.01.2017 [dLetzteAktualisierung] => [cSerie] => [cISBN] => ML4-1865x [cASIN] => [cHAN] => ML4-1865x [cUNNummer] => [cGefahrnr] => [cTaric] => [cUPC] => [cHerkunftsland] => NL [cEPID] => 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Mid Lower Brace for BMW 5-Series F10/F18 10+ | Ultra Racing [metaTitle] => 4-Point Mid Lower Brace for BMW 5-Series F10/F18 10+ | Ultra Racing, £ 150.16 [metaDescription] => Ultra Racing suspension and vehicel body struts to improve drive performance and safety [staffelPreis_arr] => Array ( ) [taxData] => Array ( [net] => [text] => [tax] => 20 [shippingFreeCountries] => [countries] => Array ( ) [shippingClass] => UPS_Sperrgut ) [cMassMenge] => [cacheHit] => [cKurzbezeichnung] => 4-Point Mid Lower Brace BMW 5-Series F10/F18 10+ | Ultra Racing [originalName] => 4-Point Mid Lower Brace BMW 5-Series F10/F18 10+ | Ultra Racing [originalSeo] => 4-Point-Mid-Lower-Brace-BMW-5-Series-F10-F18-10-Ultra-Racing [customImgName] => [kSprache:JTL\Catalog\Product\Artikel:private] => 1 [conf:protected] => Array ( [global] => Array ( [global_wunschliste_artikel_loeschen_nach_kauf] => N [systemlog_flag] => 550 [global_wizard_done] => Y [admin_login_logger_mode] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) 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4-Point Mid Lower Brace BMW 5-Series F10/F18 10+ | Ultra Racing

£ 125.13
excl. 20% VAT , plus shipping costs (UPS_Sperrgut)
£ 158.06
£ 150.16
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instead of: £ 158.06
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4-Point Mid Lower Brace for BMW 5-Series F10/F18 10+

High-strength strut for stiffening the car body and the suspension

Ultra Racing suspension and vehicel body struts to improve drive performance and safety

4-Point Mid Lower Brace

Vehicle manufacturer: BMW
Model: 5-Series F10/F18 10+

Are dome struts / wishbone struts subject to registration? We contacted Tune it Safe on this subject and received the following information:

If struts and/or stabilisers are screwed to standard fixing points, they are not subject to registration. But this does not mean that all police officers know this. Our recommendation: In order not to let such discussions arise, have them registered.
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